Peace Sites Page

Main Peace Page

 J & E's peace flags

Links to sites that promote peace, ending racism, and social justice

News: getting a less biased perspective



Links to sites that promote peace, ending racism, and social justice

American Friends Service Committe -check out their "No More Victims" campaign--what you can do in your community

Barbara Kingsolver on Flags - a great article about her reaction to flags and flag waving

Doctors without Borders - An organization delivering emergency medical care to victims of war and other crises

Helping Our Children Deal With Shocking Events - A helpful article from the parents leadership institute on how to talk to children aboutthe recent events

Jewish Peace Fellowship - "a Jewish voice in the peace community and a peace voice in the Jewish community"

Nobel Peace Prize recipients - has links to useful sites for each recipient

The Nonviolence Web - links to peace groups in the U.S.

PeaceNet - links to many more sites advocating for peace, as well as discussion groups and calendars of peace events

Re-evaluation Counseling - an organization that is dedicated to people recovering their full intelligence by listening to each other

Veterans for Peace - just what it says

War Resisters League - "affirms that all war is a crime against humanity. We therefore are determined not to support any kind of war, international or civil, and to strive nonviolently for the removal of all causes of war"


News: getting a less biased perspective:

FAIR - Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting, a national media watch group

Online newspapers - links to online papers all around the world (in English AND other languages)

NewsCenter - provides breaking news from around the world