Jaye and Edward's Peace Page

Main Peace Page

J & E's peace flags

Links to sites that promote peace, social justice, and ending racism

News: getting a less biased perspective


We are committed to the idea of peaceful resolution to all conflicts in the world, from the personal to the international. There has been a tremendous display of U.S. patriotism in support of war since the events of September 11, 2001. As American citizens we too would like to display our patriotism... but in support of peace.


Our government's current plan to hunt down and kill more people, no matter what the human cost, is not going to eliminate the causes of terrorism. We may kill some of the individuals responsible for this particular event, but as long as poverty and racism exist in the world people will continue to act desperately. Our current actions are going to contribute to more desperation and desperate acts than to prevent them. We believe that it can never make sense to kill people for killing people. Children who are fighting with each other are often told to "use your words, not your fists." Isn't that what needs to happen in the world now?


When painful events occur, all of us tend to react emotionally. It is important that we take the time to listen to each others' feelings -- all of our feelings -- instead of simply acting on them. This is something that many of us have not had the chance to do very often. But most of us will find that, when given the opportunity to be listened to fully, we are able to recover our better thinking and act in ways that make more sense. This includes deciding to solve problems nonviolently as well as understanding that all human beings have more in common with each other than we have differences. When we are thinking clearly we can make contact with each other, learn about our similarities and our differences and live and work together cooperatively.


There is much talk these days about unity. Real unity will come as we work toward a world where everyone is treated well no matter what race, religion, gender, age or ethnicity, where all of the world's resources are shared so that everyone of us can live healthy, productive lives, where national and local policies respond to the real needs of people.


***This website is a work in progress--please check back for updates.***


Jaye and Edward


Comments, questions, or links to recommend please email: elbers_e@mediaone.net


Last updated 10 /2/01